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Campaign Locally

We want every faith school proposal to face robust opposition at every level and make every effort to support secular inclusive alternatives. We always seek to work with local supporters and build a broad positive coalition.

Here are some of the campaigns we and our supporters are currently working on. Please keep scrolling down for more information on how you can take action locally.

Other local campaigning

Scroll down for more information on how you can Help us show support for No More Faith Schools across the country.

  • Subscribing to our newsletter and sharing your postcode really helps us organise local campaigns.
  • In addition to your local MP, please ask your local representatives what they are doing to support inclusive education and oppose the expansion of faith schools in your area.
  • Look out for plans to open new faith schools in your area, or for religious groups taking over non-faith schools.

Education is a devolved issue, so we have template letters for MSs, MLAs and MSPs. It can still be worth writing to your MP, even on devolved issues, as the discrimination and segregation wrought by faith schools is still something they can take an interest in.

Challenge a new faith school

If a new faith school is opening in your area, or a faith group is taking over a non-faith school, we can help. Fill in the form below and someone will be in touch.

We want every faith school proposal to face robust opposition at every level and make every effort to support secular inclusive alternatives. We always seek to work with local supporters and build a broad positive coalition.

* Required Field

New faith school

We may already have a local campaign set, in which case we'll let you know. You may also be interested in the resources below and current campaigns.

Show your support

Our supporters are vital to the campaign. Signing the petition to actual voice is a great first step. But we want to show the range of support across the whole country.

Take a picture

We have printable posters and placards for you to, personalise it with your own message, and let us know: why are you saying, "No More Faith Schools!" Remember to send us a picture of you with your placard via: Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Share a Tweet

We have template tweets all over the site where you can personalise and share a prewritten message with your followers.

Do you think our schools should be open and inclusive? Do you think pupils should be free to develop their own beliefs? Do you think schools should be free from religious control? Then please join me in saying #NoMoreFaithSchools!
Click to tweet

Share a video

Record a short video saying why you're saying "No More Faith Schools!". Make it as creative as you like and we might feature it on our YouTube channel.

Organise an event

It's great to show your support at one of our events around the country. But if you'd like to help us reaching even more people, why not organise an event yourself? Get in touch and we could help with resources and speakers.

Apart from the selection process which forces parents to accede to a religious ethos, religious indoctrination of the young is just basically wrong. It is also subject to mission creep, especially when weaponised by the politically powerful. Just because some people have an imaginary friend, don’t suppose that I want my children to grow up not only believing in it, but building their paradigm for living based on it.

Jackie, from NORTHAMPTON

As a parent of a child in a school which is currently at risk of loosing its secular status for the sake of a lease agreement in a proposed merger I want to see faith based admissions taken to zero. There should be no religious discrimination in the education system. Everyone should be welcome.

Louise, Great Yarmouth